Friday Musings… 30 November 2018

Random comments on thoughts, ideas, things seen, or things overheard .

Anybody who knows me and has read my blog before knows I LOVE Fridays. Happy Friday!

Do you ever feel housebound or stuck in an office? How do you deal with that feeling?

I work from home so for me the feeling is housebound.

Usually when it happens to me I get restless, have trouble focusing and even feel a little anxious.

Today I pulled myself together and went to a coffee shop. It worked at first but it is lunch time and the lunch crowd is rolling in. Students, people who work locally, friends meeting for lunch and the odd person (like me) working.

I enjoy the energy of the people around me but when the shrillness of the voices and the volume goes up as everybody tries to talk over everybody else it overwhelms me.

Since I sat down I was able to organize several writing projects, get some quotes out, follow up on some invoices, do some research and complete the rough draft of a project I started on. A very productive few hours but it’s time to go. I can hardly hear myself think and thinking is important when you make your living from converting thoughts to printed words.

In closing here is something to think about;

“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter – ’tis the difference between the lightning-bug and the lightning.” Mark Twain

Until next time,