EBM Article October 2022

In October 2022 the topic of the article was the risks of labour and labour factoring in electrical construction. In the courses I teach it is a big part of the conversations and the course material. Here is the link to the article. https://www.ebmag.com/materials-labour-and-associated-risks-the-estimator-october-2022/

First Article for EBM – May 2020

I was thinking about the articles I have been writing for Electrical Business Magazine. I dug up the first article I wrote, The True Cost of an Estimating Mistake. I was surprised to learn that is published in the April/May Edition of 2020.

Here is a link to it. The True Cost of an Estimating Mistake

I enjoy writing the articles because I am able to share the knowledge I have gained as an Electrical Estimating Instructor and from my own experience as an electrician.